Most of the clothes we wear every day are made of cotton, while cotton is actually not that environmentally friendly. Not to worry, Bamigo has the solution. We’ve pushed cotton aside for the most part and gave bamboo its well-deserved leading role. What are the exact differences between bamboo and cotton?
The differences between bamboo and cotton
A significant difference is in the fibre’s cross-section. The bamboo fibre has a rounder cross-section which results in less resistance. Thanks to the rounder fibre, smoother yarns can be made. This ensures that bamboo textiles feel extremely soft on the skin. Bamboo can also absorb much more moisture than cotton, which means that bamboo clothing stays dry longer and smells fresher.
Bamboo stems are true speed machines; some species can grow up to a metre per day. Bamboo is not fully harvested as a plant. Only the stems of the bamboo plant are harvested, leaving the roots intact. As bamboo grows at an impressively rapid rate, relatively little surface area is required to produce a wealth of bamboo.
Bamboo also grows readily without the need for insecticides, pesticides and fertiliser. This impressive grass species can grow in many different places but flourishes in a warm and humid climate. While growing, bamboo also does not require any artificial watering.
Cotton relies on pesticides, insecticides and fertilisers for its growth. Due to the high demand for cotton, its growth must be stimulated artificially - a process which demands a great deal of water. Did you know that a single kilogram of cotton requires no less than 8,000 litres of water? Especially given the water scarcity in some parts of the world, water management is crucial.
Bamboo/cotton fusion ensures durability
While bamboo is the clear leader in environmental preservation, cotton is also used in the composition of our boxer shorts and T-shirts. Cotton fibres add essential strength and structure to the clothing. The combination of bamboo and cotton ensures that you can count on a highly durable product.
We’ve managed to minimise the use of cotton in our products. Bamboo remains the key element. Organic cotton is used with increasing frequency to ensure reduced environmental impact.
Bamboo: the textile of the future
You now know what the main differences are between bamboo and cotton. Are you interested in delving into the world of bamboo? Take a look at our free e-book 'Bamboo: the textile of the future'.